"Todd D. Crail" <tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu> wrote:
The watershed known as the Hiawassee.... Not the lower river, silly. I
might be crazy but I'm not stupid lol
If you can change your schedule on the 9th, 10th and 11th for the Duck,
we'll make adjustments in the week to make sure we do that. Might just nose
into SC fer some fiery blacks n yellowfin and then head back over on 40,
catch the Biltmore on the way. Hopefully we can get Casper to go over that
ridge into the Barrens so he can see what he's missin' stoppin'-in-the
Sequatchie :) Then we'll come back later and do SC proper-like with Jeffro
and Melanoma as a more lady-friendly vacation.
Casper, what do you have going on the 8th? Looks like we'd be in the
Chatty-noo area that evening. We can talk about that off list.
Any other takers for the Duck? I could do all morning on the 11th and still
drive home. Its about 9 hours from Shelbyville to Toledo.
----- Original Message -----
From: "matt ashton"
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Black Darters, tis the season!
> The Hiwassee in March?! youre nuts hahaha I was praying to shock up fish
everytime I was there during the heat of August just so I wouldnt have to
snorkel and standing in it in September and October got really cold. So
yeah needless to say its trout water, but also take in highly that its not
regulated for hydropower, its for white water rafting. So early in the year
when there is no rafting, there is no real schedule to the water releases.
This past March primarily had a 1500 cfs generation average for the day. You
SHOULD be able to safely be in the water with that though it will depend on
the actual hourly generation. For example the only time you can effectively
sample during the summer is on the weekends when they average about 12-1500
for the day, but that is because there is no generation from some twilight
hour to 11 am EST. Depending on where you are, channel morphology and all
that you can see a a difference of several feet from low to high generation.
I'm reall!
> y only
> blabbing all of this from some near ghastly experiences working in
tailwaters when they unexpectedly start rising and youre 100 m from shore.
> I told ya my schedule river wise and the dates I gave you might be
flexible enough that we could meet up the 9th and 10th. I've got some
personal interest in some of the southeast TN stuff too that wont coincide
with research sites or class work.
> Matt
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