--Bruce Stallsmith
along the balmy Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS" <Jan.J.Hoover-in-erdc.usace.army.mil>
>Reply-To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
>Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Frisky Darters, Historic Eels, Elegant Madtoms Date:
>Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:37:13 -0600
>The Winter 2006 issue of American Currents is, as always, a topical and
>taxonomic cornucopia:
>Bob Muller's very practical advice on spawning 16 species of darters
>(including data on egg characteristics and hatching times!)
>Philip Cochran's concise and entertaining summary of 19th and 20th century
>records of the American eel in the midwest
>John Lyon's observations on a little-known, very rare, and possibly
>endangered Mexican minnow.
>Bob Bock's series of praiseworthy poeciliids - this time celebrating the
>Bruce Stallsmith's recent experience with flame chub research and outreach
>the state capital
>NANFA Research Grant recipient Claire McGrath's report on her work with
>non-native brook trout and native greenback cutthroat trout...
>...and descriptions of two new species of madtoms, once elegant, now
>and Chucky.
>Where else can you get this kind, this diversity, or this much information
>native fishes ?
>And this month.....with beautiful full-color covers!
>If you are a paid-up member - check your mail.
>If not - think about what you are missing - and take corrective action.
>- Jan Hoover
> Vicksburg, MS
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