> The federally threatened loach minnow (R. cobitis has been raised at
> ...
> The species is highly susceptible to parasites, particularly
> Ichthyophthirius.
That isn't really true. It's just the people who collect them and bring
them back into captivity don't understand that you have to treat the fish
for white spot as soon as you bring them back, as invariably it will turn
up a little while afterwards. They also don't understand how easy it is
to move that stuff around between tanks. The same is true for pretty much
any wild collected fish in Arizona and Oklahoma (in my experience). I
have always presumed this was true in most places during the warmer
months. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?
It still amazes me how many people just don't understand the importance of
treating for certain parasites irrespective of whether you can see any or
not. Many important threatened fish in captivity have been lost via such
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