NANFA-L-- Subject: Fishkeeper dies in aquarium accident
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 15:47:03 EST

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Has any one seen this?


Fishkeeper dies in aquarium accident
A fishkeeper has died in his Manhattan apartment after cutting himself
on the aquarium he knocked over.

According to a report from the New York Times, the man, Antonio Perez,
lost his balance and fell onto the aquarium, causing it to fall over and

An artery in Mr Perez's arm was severed and he later died-in-St.
Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.
More at: The New York Times (Sat January 1, 2005, 10:55 am)

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Has any one seen this?


      Fishkeeper dies in aquarium accident
      A fishkeeper has died in his Manhattan apartm= ent after cutting himself on the aquarium he knocked over.

      According to a report from the New York Times= , the man, Antonio Perez, lost his balance and fell onto the aquarium, causi= ng it to fall over and smash.

      An artery in Mr Perez's arm was severed and h= e later died-in-St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center. 
      More at: The New York Times (Sat January 1, 2= 005, 10:55 am)

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