My invertebrate zoo professor kept a 10-gallon steel framed tank on a bench
the window (did not receive direct sunlight due to the height of surrounding
buildings) in the lab. It had been there for 20 years, she NEVER changed
water, just added aged water to replace evaporation. ....
Very interesting! I turned the filter off in my 20 long. It has a few plants
but it's kind of thin right now. I thinned the way back when I moved. But I
figure how much ammonia can a dozen shrimp produce? Can't be enough that the
plants can't filter it out!
I am going to keep feeding them and let the algae grow and just see what
happens. I have always wanted to get a self sustaining colony of fish going.
Maybe I could do it with the Shrimp and some killies in there with them??
Jeff <*\\><
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