I was asked to send this around to people I knew that might be interested.
D. Christopher Rogers
Invertebrate Ecologist/Taxonomist
EcoAnalysts, Inc.
Phone/Fax: (530) 406-1178
166 Buckeye St.
Woodland, CA 95695 USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Seddon [Mary.Seddon-in-nmgw.ac.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 6:56 AM
Subject: AMNH Spring symposium: New currents in conserving Freshwater
Please forward to people interested in the conservation of freshwater
Many thanks
The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation's Tenth Annual Spring Symposium
In the increasingly vital quest to build a sustainable economy, the
conservation of freshwater systems and the biodiversity that depends upon
their ecological integrity is a paramount, but elusive goal. Dedicated
scientists and managers have worked for decades to improve the health of
rivers, lakes, and wetlands, yet in most places the battle is being lost.
There is an urgent need for the development and application of innovative
new approaches to freshwater conservation, and for the sharing of success
In April 2005, the American Museum of Natural History will host a forum for
scientists and conservation practitioners to highlight recent successful
initiatives in freshwater conservation, to discuss cutting-edge ideas and
tools, and to investigate how and where these innovations might be
implemented on the ground. The symposium will showcase projects that are
rooted in the best available science, integrate scientific fields, and link
science with other disciplines. This cross-disciplinary integration will
generate a fertile landscape for discussing the way forward in freshwater
Through a combination of invited presentations, case studies, panel
discussions, and posters, the symposium will highlight initiatives from
around the world that inform our ability to understand and protect the
biota, processes, and habitats of aquatic ecosystems, as well as to identify
and mitigate threats. Please join us for this exciting event.
More than 50 leading freshwater experts from around the world were consulted
in the creation of this symposium. Representing a range of disciplines and
backgrounds, these content advisors and steering committee members have
built a balanced and exciting program that highlights some of the best
examples of innovative work from all corners of the globe.
SPONSORSHIP: "New Currents in Conserving Freshwater Systems" is sponsored by
the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC), in collaboration with
the World Wildlife Fund, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Park
Service. Major funding is provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Additional support is provided by the American Society of
Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, The Nature Conservancy, and the American
Fisheries Society.
CALL FOR POSTERS: A limited number of posters will be accepted for
presentation. Poster subjects must relate to the symposium's general theme
(innovations in freshwater biodiversity conservation) but are not limited
geographically. Case studies are encouraged. Click here for abstract
submission guidelines. Submission deadline is Monday, 31 January 2005.
Media inquiries should be addressed to Ms. Robin Lloyd,-in-lloyd-in-amnh.org
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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I was asked to send this around to=20=
people I knew that might be interested.
D. Christopher Rogers
Invertebrate Ecologist/Taxonomist
EcoAnalysts, Inc.
Phone/Fax: (530) 406-1178
166 Buckeye St.
Woodland, CA 95695 USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Seddon
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 6:56 AM
Subject: AMNH Spring symposium: New currents in conserving Freshwater
Please forward to people interested in the conservation of freshwater
Many thanks
The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation's Tenth Annual Spring Symposium=
In the increasingly vital quest to build a sustainable economy, the
conservation of freshwater systems and the biodiversity that depends upon
their ecological integrity is a paramount, but elusive goal. Dedicated
scientists and managers have worked for decades to improve the health of
rivers, lakes, and wetlands, yet in most places the battle is being lost.
There is an urgent need for the development and application of innovative
new approaches to freshwater conservation, and for the sharing of success
In April 2005, the American Museum of Natural History will host a forum for<=
scientists and conservation practitioners to highlight recent successful
initiatives in freshwater conservation, to discuss cutting-edge ideas and
tools, and to investigate how and where these innovations might be
implemented on the ground. The symposium will showcase projects that are
rooted in the best available science, integrate scientific fields, and link<=
science with other disciplines. This cross-disciplinary integration will
generate a fertile landscape for discussing the way forward in freshwater
Through a combination of invited presentations, case studies, panel
discussions, and posters, the symposium will highlight initiatives from
around the world that inform our ability to understand and protect the
biota, processes, and habitats of aquatic ecosystems, as well as to identify=
and mitigate threats. Please join us for this exciting event.
More than 50 leading freshwater experts from around the world were consulted=
in the creation of this symposium. Representing a range of disciplines and
backgrounds, these content advisors and steering committee members have
built a balanced and exciting program that highlights some of the best
examples of innovative work from all corners of the globe.
SPONSORSHIP: "New Currents in Conserving Freshwater Systems" is sponsored by=
the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC), in collaboration with
the World Wildlife Fund, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Park=
Service. Major funding is provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Additional support is provided by the American Society of
Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, The Nature Conservancy, and the American<=
Fisheries Society.
CALL FOR POSTERS: A limited number of posters will be accepted for
presentation. Poster subjects must relate to the symposium's general theme
(innovations in freshwater biodiversity conservation) but are not limited
geographically. Case studies are encouraged. Click here for abstract
submission guidelines. Submission deadline is Monday, 31 January 2005.
Media inquiries should be addressed to Ms. Robin Lloyd,-in-lloyd-in-amnh.org
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