In a message dated 1/6/05 5:39:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> I was going to do this once and then I thought about all my customers
> getting emails signed Jim Smith, Connecticut River Drainage.. lol
I used to not ever give my real name or address on any Internet mail then I
started giving NANFA people my real name and address in e-mails and it wasn't a
week before Spam started using my real name and real address. I don't fault
anyone who is reluctant to give their real name address phone numbers and such
Cape Fear River drainage and South Eastern, NC coast and coastal plain.
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In a message dated 1/6/05 5:39:54 P=
M Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I was going to do this once and=
then I thought about all my customers
getting emails signed Jim Smith, Connecticut River Drainage.. lol
I used to not ever give my real name or address on any Internet mail then I=20=
started giving NANFA people my real name and address in e-mails and it wasn'=
t a week before Spam started using my real name and real address. I don't fa=
ult anyone who is reluctant to give their real name address phone numbers an=
d such online.
Cape Fear River drainage and South Eastern, NC coast and coastal plain. =
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