Did we ever resolve the idea of selling window decals and/or patches
as a fund raiser (see below)?
The reason I am asking, it looks as though I will be the new chair of
the IL/AFS fund raiser instead of being the quite member of that
group as I was in years past. One thing companies do is donate
little items to entice people to check out their companies. Last
year Chris gave me ~20 ACs and they went fast. Another possibility
would be decals or patches (would these items be more cost effective
than AC?). I kind of like the idea, but I see both sides of the
argument (trinkets that cost more than they bring in vs. an
advertisement from this company). Two exapmles: 1) in years past, I
put stickers on ol' blue from that N.A. fishing club (the one that
always sends free hooks) and N.A. hunting club (no, not NRA)... I was
a sucker and joined their clubs. 2) Rite-N-Rain (JR Darling Corp.)...
they are always more than happy to donate little pocket books-in-
conferences I attend (one per every quest).
What do you think the costs benefits of those actions are? Even
though their items cost more (and therefore make their money back
faster), the idea is to get their name out there. Maybe window
decals and patches could work for us. A NANFA decal would not go on
ol' blue (dad's haying truck that no one except the cows see), but be
upgraded to my truck and the wife's care. Just a thought.
>Wow thats alot cheaper than the labels I found that Avery makes.
>Great size too. I wonder if they sell wholesale? If they do that
>could be very good and I could arrange that through my mothers
>office supply company. I was getting-in-her buying them and doing a
>donation in the last email but I didn't wanna go too far since I
>haven't brought the idea up to her.
>so you figure its $15.00 after shipping and tax
>which is $0.38 per label if you can print 40
>I'd pay $2.00 for one of these I'd probably pay 3...
>I am breaking out the scanner and going to mess with that
>blackbanded image a little ...
This is valid and seems reasonable as an organizational promotion. I
don't wear patches either. Some people love them. I think of them as
promotional "trinkets". Part of a recruitment incentive, a gift to
participants of an educational program (especially for kids), or
sewed onto a cap worn by a representative of the organization-in-a
field trip or etc.
The important thing about trinkets is that they be fairly inexpensive
because they are a form of shotgun promotion. You use a lot of
trinkets for a few returns. The kind of returns might be a kid that
develops a life long interest in native fish conservation, a few new
NANFA members, or some additional name (brand) recognition.
Frequently the pay back is hard to quantify.
Anyway, let me know if you want me to pursue this any further.
-- Jeremy Tiemann Biological Field Assistant Illinois Natural History Survey Center for Biodiversity 607 E. Peabody Dr. Champaign, IL 61820 Telephone: (217) 244-4594 Fax: (217) 333-4949http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/staff/index.php?action=list&user_name=jtiemann --============_-1106659410==_ma============ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
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Window decals and patches. Did we ever resolve the idea of selling window decals and/or patches as a fund raiser (see below)?The reason I am asking, it looks as though I will be the new chair of the IL/AFS fund raiser instead of being the quite member of that group as I was in years past. One thing companies do is donate little items to entice people to check out their companies. Last year Chris gave me ~20 ACs and they went fast. Another possibility would be decals or patches (would these items be more cost effective than AC?). I kind of like the idea, but I see both sides of the argument (trinkets that cost more than they bring in vs. an advertisement from this company). Two exapmles: 1) in years past, I put stickers on ol' blue from that N.A. fishing club (the one that always sends free hooks) and N.A. hunting club (no, not NRA)... I was a sucker and joined their clubs. 2) Rite-N-Rain (JR Darling Corp.)... they are always more than happy to donate little pocket books-in-conferences I attend (one per every quest).What do you think the costs benefits of those actions are? Even though their items cost more (and therefore make their money back faster), the idea is to get their name out there. Maybe window decals and patches could work for us. A NANFA decal would not go on ol' blue (dad's haying truck that no one except the cows see), but be upgraded to my truck and the wife's care. Just a thought.JTWINDOW DECAL:Wow thats alot cheaper than the labels I found that Avery makes. Great size too. I wonder if they sell wholesale? If they do that could be very good and I could arrange that through my mothers office supply company. I was getting-in-her buying them and doing a donation in the last email but I didn't wanna go too far since I haven't brought the idea up to her.so you figure its $15.00 after shipping and taxwhich is $0.38 per label if you can print 40I'd pay $2.00 for one of these I'd probably pay 3...I am breaking out the scanner and going to mess with that blackbanded image a little ...PATCHES:This is valid and seems reasonable as an organizational promotion. I don't wear patches either. Some people love them. I think of them as promotional "trinkets". Part of a recruitment incentive, a gift to participants of an educational program (especially for kids), or sewed onto a cap worn by a representative of the organization-in-a field trip or etc.
The important thing about trinkets is that they be fairly inexpensive because they are a form of shotgun promotion. You use a lot of trinkets for a few returns. The kind of returns might be a kid that develops a life long interest in native fish conservation, a few new NANFA members, or some additional name (brand) recognition. Frequently the pay back is hard to quantify.
Anyway, let me know if you want me to pursue this any further.Tom
--Jeremy Tiemann--============_-1106659410==_ma============-- /----------------------------------------------------------------------- / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA, / visit http://www.nanfa.org Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are / consistent with the guidelines as per / http://www.nanfa.org/archive/nanfa/guidelines.html To subscribe, / unsubscribe, or get help, visit the NANFA email list home page and / archive-in-http://www.nanfa.org/archive/nanfa/
Biological Field Assistant
Illinois Natural History Survey
Center for Biodiversity
607 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820
Telephone: (217) 244-4594
Fax: (217) 333-4949