-----Original Message-----
From: "Dean A. Markley" <damarkley-in-earthlink.net>
Sent: Jan 12, 2005 7:55 AM
To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
Subject: NANFA-L-- Parasitic Critters?
Hello fellow nanfas! I am having a bit of trouble with a pumpkinseed in my tank. This little guy is about 3 inches long and was acquired from the Chiques Creek in Lancaster County, PA last summer. I've recently noticed that he has some "critters" attached to him. They are small wormlike things about 1/4 inch long and rather thin and somewhat flattened. They are a translucent yellowish-white color. Most are attached to his tail fin and his anal fin. Now the pumpkinseed does not seem to be distressed by this. He looks healthy and certainly eats.
Any suggestions on this?
Oh, other details: He's in a 110 gallon tank . He shares it with a 7 inch longnose gar (yeah, absolutely no problems there...how about that?) and a pair of 2 inch tadpole madtoms. At any given time there are also about 15-20 inch long rosy reds in as feeders for Mr Gar. The pumpkinseed eats his share too.
I am using a natural gravel obtained from the Susquehanna River and as such there are also a few small local clams in it too. Additionally, there are about a dozen snails with spiral shells that also seem to have come in with the gravel.
Dean A. Markley
Dean A. Markley
3628 Peregrine Circle
Mountville, PA 17554
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