There are several types of fish that live-in-the edge of the sea in the same
salt marsh environment as mummichogs, when they are courting a female-in-least
one of them becomes so colorful they almost glow with unbelievable colors.
I've caught them when in color, and the color fades back to the usual drab bait
fish colors immediately before your eyes, but seeing them like that gave me a
new respect for them. I've never seen a more beautiful fish and I've kept both
marine reef tanks and freshwater fish and nothing compares to the breeding
colors of this fish.
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There are several types of fish tha=
t live-in-the edge of the sea in the same salt marsh environment as mummicho=
gs, when they are courting a female-in-least one of them becomes so colorful=
they almost glow with unbelievable colors. I've caught them when in color,=20=
and the color fades back to the usual drab bait fish colors immediately befo=
re your eyes, but seeing them like that gave me a new respect for them. I've=
never seen a more beautiful fish and I've kept both marine reef tanks and f=
reshwater fish and nothing compares to the breeding colors of this fish.
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