--Bruce Stallsmith
along the steelhead-free Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>Bob Muller <michiganfish-in-wideopenwest.com> wrote:Just back from the
>sampling. The NANFA Michigan chapter has partnered with
>the Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC). We are going to be doing fish
>surveys of all the small creeks and stream helping them gain data to
>convince the DNR to designate the Clinton a cold-water river. This
>designation in Michigan mean a Trout stream and the DNR pay a lot more
>attention to that type of river. The Clinton flows through the northern
>suburbs of Detroit with 1.5 million people living along it. One of the
>Clintons main tributaries, Paint creek has the cold water designation for
>the last few years. This is a double-edged sword though. Once a cold-water
>stream we will no longer be able to collect with nets and Steel head are
>stocked. A personal belief is the brown, rainbow trout and salmon are just
>as invasive as the round gobies, but a cold-water designation will help
>the river. The CRWC had their annual stone fly survey today Philip Kukulski
>and myself were the NANFA members present. This is the first time we have
>taken part in this and a lot of time was spent explaining about the darters
>that were caught. There was lots of interest in those darters. Lots of
>stoneflies, caddis flies scuds, isopods and the first water penny I have
>ever seen were collected. We were working several locations of Stony creek
>and rainbow, fantail, Johnny, Iowa darters, common shiner, creek chub and
>rock bass were netted. The rainbows are in full color. It was in the
>twenties and we had t break shelf ice to get in the creeks. Boy your hand
>get cold working in that water.
>Bob Muller
>Red Run (the Ghost River of Royal Oak)
>A tributary of the Clinton River
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