geoffrey kimber <> wrote:
I have successfully bred SRBDs by creating an artificial stoneroller
nest in the tank and then pulling the adults out after they seem to
have bred.
I usually have 2 makes to 3 females in a 20 gallon long with no plants
and a good current. I like to keep some pretty fine gravel in the
tank and then add some 1/4 to 1/2 inch stones and push them down into
the gravel to make a depression about 8 inches across on one side of
the tank.
After the adults are taken out, I take the fiter out and replace it
with a seasoned sponge filter using an airstone to keep the filer
volume low. I feed the fry powdered flake once they leave the nest.
in the past, I have had over 100 fry result from 5 fish. Last year, I
only had about 50. My fish are currently having a short day cycle and
it's cold to try to fake them out that it's winter. In a few weeks, I
will lengthen the day period and set the tank back up and see what
Geoff Kimber
Fredericksburg, va
On 1/22/06, matt ashton wrote:
> I really wish I had some kind of egg trap in my 20 with my SRBD because after two+ straight days of spawning activity, a significantly smaller female, I can't find a single egg amongst the spaces of all the gravel. Probably going to do a small siphon and see if I can find anything under a scope this afternoon. My videos unfortunately are quite large in file size and I did not get anything too short in duration so I do not think that was an ultimate success.
> Matt
> Cookeville, TN
> Bob Muller wrote:
> Joseph
> I use a 15 gallon tank with something to trap the eggs on the bottom with a
> piece of java moss weighted with a stone on top. They will spawn almost
> continually. I siphon the eggs out and place in small containers with a
> fungicide. They hatch in a few days and green water works well until they
> can take newly hatched brine shrimp. If you have spawned and raised zebra
> danios its the same. I have also spawned and raised three of the sailfin
> shiner group of Pteronotrpis, it is just as easy for those too.
> Bob Muller
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joseph S."
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:51 PM
> Subject: NANFA-L-- signipinnis spawned.
> > I noticed some odd behavior this afternoon in my 46 gallon bowfront
> > tank. One of the males out of a group was vigorously chasing after the
> > others and also chasing a plump female. The normally black lateral
> > stripe was bluish and he had lightened in color considerably. He
> > nipped-in-the females vent as he chased, quivered as he swam, and went
> > through some pretty interesting swimming motion including a manuever
> > where he went above and cut in a steep arc in front of the female in a
> > display. The female would begin investigating the plants and when the
> > oppurtunity presented itself the male pushed his way alongside the
> > female. Quick thrash and maybe 10-15 eggs sank to the bottom...maybe a
> > little larger than zebra danio eggs. I made an attempt to siphon away
> > some and later caught some eggs as they released a group near the
> > surface amongst a clump of floating java moss(but if left untouched
> > would have followed the filter currently slowly to the bottom and no
> > doubt eaten). The other inhabitants include Montezumae swords,
> > American flagfish, and a lone male golden topminnow.
> >
> > With this kind of handling is their any chance of the eggs being fertile
> still?
> >
> > Would a breeding tank be advisable? I could try to free up a ten
> > gallon if it would work.
> >
> > I don't know what triggered these fish...except maybe my thoughts
> > earlier in the day that they just didn't seem to be doing anything!
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