Re: NANFA-L-- Native Aquatic Plants (LONG)

Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Native Aquatic Plants (LONG)
From: Al G Eaton (
Date: Thu Jul 29 2004 - 19:30:11 CDT

 Welcome to a native fish list. You'll find people
> around here like the same
> thing, and haven't bought $500 of heater cable for
> their little plant's warm
> feet, so there's usually no "investment toes" to
> step on :)

Heh, I use one of those! but mine cost me three
dollars. I have a cryptocoryne aquarium where
if I dont heat the roots in the winter, the plants
melt. I made mine out of a used heater I got for a
buck and one of those vinyl wrap around gizmos to keep
your pipes from freezing. I shorted out the internal
thermostat and attached it the heater minus the
heating element and the whole thing sits under the
tank suspended through two holes in 1x3s and
surrounded with some a 1x4 base. I know, I know
crypts arent native plants, though they are
established in texas and florida.

So far, I have been unsuccessful growing our native
mermaid weed without adding co2. I dont use a
pressurized system, but im about ready to set my my
yeast factory again. I only use half the normal
sugar in mine and I feed the yeast soy protein. Keeps
the whole thing going a lot longer.


In the Millcreek Watershed
When we turn off the lights it glows.

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: Wed Sep 29 2004 - 12:21:36 CDT