> Yeah, I was wondering if that event was still on myself. And hey Harry?
> I am just over here in Lancaster County near the Chiques Creek! Did you
> know there are some rather large largemouths in the Codorus?
> Dean Markley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Knaub <harryknaub-in-suscom.net>
> Sent: Jun 27, 2005 8:27 PM
> To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
> Subject: NANFA-L-- French Creek
> If anyone is still planning on sampling the French Creek, the last weekend
> in July would or even August would work for me. I'm going to traveling and
> on vacation for the next two weeks, so if the trip is still on, just post
> something on the list. I'll try to catch up with what's going on when I
> get back.
> Happy 4th of July everyone!
> Harry Knaub
> Codorus Creek
> York, PA
> Dean A. Markley
> 3628 Peregrine Circle
> Mountville, PA 17554
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