Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
"Who hears the fishes when they cry?"
Henry Thoreau--1817-1862
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> []On Behalf
><)> Of Bruce Stallsmith
><)> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:53 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: NANFA-L-- Follow-Up On Alabama Turtle
><)> Poaching Arrests
><)> Below is a follow-up article to earlier discussion
><)> about people busted for
><)> turtle poaching in Alabama. Seven poachers were
><)> convicted, and in my humble
><)> opinion received light sentences.
><)> --Bruce Stallsmith
><)> Huntsville, AL, US of A
><)> along the Tennessee
><)> * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
><)> The Center for North American Herpetology
><)> Lawrence, Kansas
><)> 12 July 2005
><)> Huntsville Times (Alabama)
><)> Seven convicted on turtle poaching charges in
><)> federal investigation
><)> Poachers nabbed in ongoing federal investigation
><)> Six Alabama residents were convicted 28 June 2005
><)> in Calhoun County
><)> [Alabama]
><)> on multiple counts of violating state laws
><)> regarding the possession or sale
><)> of
><)> protected non-game species related to an ongoing
><)> federal investigation into
><)> turtle poaching.
><)> Aarion Tucker of Guntersville also was charged in
><)> the investigation and was
><)> convicted 5 July in Marshall County for five
><)> counts of the same violation.
><)> Tucker
><)> paid $500 in fines plus court costs and $500
><)> restitution to the Alabama
><)> Wildlife
><)> Federation's Investigative Fund, according to
><)> information provided by the
><)> Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
><)> The undercover investigation has been ongoing for
><)> years and is believed to
><)> be
><)> centered in the Southeast, with illegal sales of
><)> turtles to restaurants and
><)> pet
><)> stores as far away as Asia and Europe. Dubbed
><)> "Operation Snapper," it
><)> involves
><)> numerous local and state law enforcement agencies
><)> working in conjunction
><)> with
><)> several state wildlife agencies and the U.S. Fish
><)> and Wildlife Service. The
><)> Alabama Wildlife Federation's Investigative Fund
><)> is used to assist the state
><)> conservation department with covert operations and
><)> resource recovery.
><)> In Calhoun County, James Robert Hall of Anniston
><)> was convicted on 19 counts
><)> and fined $1,900 as well as $500 restitution to
><)> the investigative fund. He
><)> also
><)> was sentenced to 30 days in jail, which was
><)> suspended. Hall was given two
><)> years
><)> probation.
><)> Other convictions:
><)> Teresa Hudson Whitaker, Anniston, 10 counts,
><)> $1,000 in fines and $300
><)> restitution
><)> John Edward Wright, Oxford, 9 counts, $900 in
><)> fines and $300 restitution
><)> Donald Collins Lehr, Anniston, 5 counts, $500 in
><)> fines and $250 restitution
><)> William Davis Lehr, Anniston, 10 counts, $1,000 in
><)> fines and $500
><)> restitution
><)> /--------------------------------------------------
><)> ---------------------
><)> / This is the discussion list of the North
><)> American Native Fishes
><)> / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list
><)> do not necessarily
><)> / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more
><)> information about NANFA,
><)> / visit Please make sure all
><)> posts to nanfa-l are
><)> / consistent with the guidelines as per
><)> / To
><)> subscribe, unsubscribe, or get
><)> / help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at
><)> /
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes
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