Since everyone has different opinions and preferences, would it not be
better to find a personal solution rather than trying to convince a
whole population to follow rules they may not agree with?
as for the html email bit.. I 100% agree, but some email programs are
limited in their abilities to do "normal" text email, and of course the
fact that many people aren't as interested as you or me in becoming
email experts. ;]
-derek parr
cape fear river basin, Chapel Hill, NC
Peter Unmack wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Gerald Pottern wrote:
>>So here's a suggestion: Can you (or someone) give me & our other users
>>that are not-too-Yahoo-savvy a few simple rules on HOW to reply without
>>constipating our digest ? (I hope i did my part by deleting everything
>>EXCEPT the message i'm responding to)
> The problem is not so much people responding to the digest and including
> everything, it is people who reply to any message and include all of the
> previous message/thread (as you just did) for each message they send. I
> find it nice if people include a small relevant portion of the message so
> that everyone knows what they are responding to and who, but there is no
> need to resend the whole thread. Some email programs do this
> automatically depending on the settings. And there is nothing that will
> strip out this information from the digest. I can only get rid of all the
> html crap and mime information.
> There are a couple things people can do that would instantly help. Never
> send any messages in html format (many mailers send messages in both
> formats, which doesn't help any). Instructions on how to do this and why
> you should do it can be found here,
> Here is a simple page on quoting material from previous posts,
> If all users followed these
> guidelines, the digest would instantly be cleaner and easier to read.
> Tootles
> Peter
> Red River, Oklahoma
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