Well, I finally got off my butt and took care of the html issue relative
to the digests and posts to the nanfa lists. Installing demime
essentially strips all html stuff as well as some other junk from all
incoming emails. This will help unclutter the digest version a little
bit. So you all can go ahead and send all the html formatted messages
that you want to now...
I also just updated the archives for the first time this year. One odd
thing is that any messages from Pierre Gagne <PGAGNE2000-in-comcast.net>
cause my mailbox to html converter to crash. Seems as if AT&T Message
Center screws up aspects of the header formatting that my program can't
understand, thus I just have to delete your emails before processing I'm
Peter Unmack
Red River, Oklahoma
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes
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