NANFA-L-- Eno River, Durham NC
Gerald Pottern (
Wed, 20 Jul 2005 07:58:40 -0700 (PDT)
For those within a reasonable drive from Durham NC, the Raleigh Aquarium Society is hosting a potluck picnic and snorkeling/seining-in-Eno River State Park on Saturday afternoon, Aug 13. Although most of central NC has clayey soils, farms, and development that keep our streams muddy, the Eno is surprisingly clear (except when running high), due to its geology (Carolina Slate Belt) and farsighted riparian protection efforts by the Eno River Association since the 1960's. The Eno has a great variety of fish, snails, mussels, crayfish, salamanders, aquatic plants, etc. Highlights Roanoke Rockbass, Redfin Pickerel, Satinfin Shiner, Swallowtail Shiner, Pinewoods Shiner, Rosyside dace, Mtn Redbelly Dace, Bluehead Chub, Roanoke Darter, Chainback Darter, Glassy Darter, Margined madtom, Flat bullhead, and Neuse River waterdog. Also plenty of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, hiking trails, & camping.
Don your mask, enter the watery realm, and the Eno's ethereal beauty and captivating fishes will fill your mind with poetic inspirations like those that gush from the keyboards of El Snorkelmeister and The Maumee Madness !!.
I can probably recommend other streams to visit en route for folks coming from just about any direction. Let me know if you can make it. Here's the USGS real-time gage link. Flows below 25 cfs are usually clear enough to snorkel.
Gerald Pottern
Hangin on the Neuse
Wake Forest NC
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