It sounds like you've got the ID of that mystery darter nailed down. Redfin
darters were recently split (Piller et al. 2001), with the northwestern
(White & Arkansas rivers) populations staying redfin (E. whipplei) and
everything from the Saline to the south and east taking the name Etheostoma
artesiae (common name redspot darter). If you're interested, Kyle has a PDF
copy of his description online at...
A new name doesn't change the fact that they're a spectacular fish, and do
pretty well in aquaria.
-- St. Louis, MO
>Whipplei is the best match I can find too. I did have one from Alabama >several years ago it was a full grown male and was very different from >these >fish. They have very dark sides and if whipplei are only half grown maybe >the color will change as they grow. I hope that's what they are, it would >be a great fish to breed. >Bob
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