Chip in SC
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Drummond Howard
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- my darters
Antyhing you do will be very expensive to setup and operate. If you really
want to keep the darters you will have to keep them cool and if you don't
cool your apartment, you will want to insulate your tank as much as
possible. As far as an inexpensive chiller look-in-a canister filter inside
a small freezer or refridgerator. You can put holes through the side and
put extra tubing inside to increase the amount of time the water is inside.
I have heard of people putting the sump filters for their saltwater tanks in
old chest freezers to keep them cold..... It's still expensive to run.
Drummond Howard
Gaithersburg, Maryland
>From: Derek Parr <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- my darters
>Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 14:01:19 -0400
>good point.. but half the problem is the insulation of the place,
>besides.. i'm renting. Also.. there's the main problem of power costs..
>Ac is going to cost more in my place.
> wrote:
>>In a message dated 6/24/05 12:50:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>>>I am contemplating the idea of getting a chiller, but it looks like the
>>>cheapest one i can find that will suit my needs is a via aqua 1/4hp 25cc
>>>that will run me-in-least $350 after shipping. A very large expenditure
>>>to say the least, not sure if I can really afford it right now. Anybody
>>>have opinions on that model? or on other chillers?
>>You could probably buy a good used AC for that price and cool both you and
>>the fish!
> ............................................................
> derek parr
> 101-B eastwood lake road
> chapel hill, NC 27514 919.444.9003
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