But, anyway.. I've bitten the bullet, and my AC has been on 24/7 since
Friday evening. I've decided that the expensive electric bills I'll
have these next 2 months will be-in-least as costly if not less so and
alot less trouble as any of the other solutions. Although its a bummer
to not have the windows open. As for the AC unit... after being on for
a few hours it started belting out much cooler air, so I guess it just
needed to going first.
so, the darters seem to be doing well. THey're all eating the
blackworms now that their water is cooler(72-74F). They've yet to
regain their full color, but they are acting healthier, so perhaps that
will improve with time.
thanks for the help.
-derek parr
central NC
Laura Burbage wrote:
> Hi Derek,
> I dunno. Even if you lived in a duplex, if it was
> advertised as having AC, then the landlord should fix
> it. I manage a group of duplexes for a fellow who
> owns a handfull. They are as you describe yours; low
> cost for the area. Except ours are also in better
> condition than most (thanks to a good maintenance
> fellow). Since they are advertised as having AC (as
> well as fridge, dishwasher and w/d hookups), the
> tenant is essentially saying "yes, I'll pay $450 for
> this duplex apartment with these ammenities".
> Therefore, when they malfunction I am required to get
> them fixed. Anyway, I'm not looking to cause
> animosity between you and your landlord. You just may
> have more right to that AC than you think.
> -Laura
> Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 18:04:14 -0400
> From: Derek Parr <derekparr-in-earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- my darters
> this isnt an apt complex..
> its a duplex.. the landlord lives in the other half.
> nice guy. He's
> putting 2 daughters thru college now, and my rent is a
> little low for
> the area. So its a little more complicated. ;]
> I think I may see if he can look-in-the AC, but the
> less than perfect
> insulation is just as much the problem. But you get
> what you pay for.
> After reading everyone's informative posts, I think
> I'm going to try
> and
> tape some insulating foam around the tank, and then do
> slow daily water
> changes with refridgerated water, or perhaps drilling
> some hole's in
> the
> fridge and pumping it in and out of a sump tank in
> there. Its an old
> and real beatup fridge, so the landlord may not mind
> me doing that.
> we shall see if I can pull it off before they boil to
> death.
> thanks for the help,
> - -derek parr
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-- ............................................................ derek parr http://www.derekparr.com 101-B eastwood lake road artist-in-derekparr.com chapel hill, NC 27514 919.444.9003 /----------------------------------------------------------------------- / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA, / visit http://www.nanfa.org Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are / consistent with the guidelines as per / http://www.nanfa.org/guidelines.shtml To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get / help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at / http://www.nanfa.org/email.shtml