We'd put you to work as a volunteer on our sampling permit if you lived a bit more north & west (Rochester/Buffalo)...ha
We are doing a broad fish survey for 2 streams in western NYS. Have you tried contacting a local University as a volunteer??
And - You can actually do quite a bit of sampling under your angling license for NY if you have one ???
See the NYSDEC regulations guide for instructions on what gear is allowed for what species.
52+ species of Cyprinids (minnows, shiners, chubs - including dace) in NYS.
>>><> good luck...
Scott M. Wells
Graduate Research Assistant
M.S. Candidate
Dept. of Biological Sciences
120 Lennon Hall
State U. of NY-in-Brockport
----- Original Message -----
From: Arie Gilbert <Arie.Gilbert-in-verizon.net>
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 1:40 pm
Subject: NANFA-L-- Questions from a new list member
> Greetings,
> I have been lurking for a while, trying to get a taste of what
> goes on
> in this group.
> you seem to be a fun bunch, but the center of your activities
> appear
> located a ways away from where I am. I am living in NY.
> I recently went upsate where I collected some Blacknose Dace on
> private
> property.
> I want to do more, but need information about collecting. If
> anyone can
> illuminate me as to rules and regs etc...
> I also like native aquatic plants, and grow many of them a well.
> Arie Gilbert
> North Babylon, NY
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/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes
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