NANFA-L-- orange spot sunfish collecting areas 1.r hours from Mobile, AL
Harry Thames (
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 22:39:53 -0500
I am setting up a 125 gal native tank-in-my office and I want to keep some
sail fin shiner (a large school about 25 or so) and a few sunfish, I know
where 2 catch Long Ear sunnies but I think they may get big enough to eat
the shiners. Does anyone know where I can collect some Orange spot shiners
with in about a 2 hour drive of Mobile, AL?? Also if there is anyone in the
Mobile area who would be willing to consult with me on the tank I would
really appreciate it, I have done 6 months of research and reading about the
set up, but experience trumps research any day. I am going to look into a
free web sight where I can post picts about the tank.
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