Heather studied swimming performance in juvenile lake sturgeon. Her project
documented important differences in swimming performance and tail morphology
in two different populations and it demonstrated the effects of "training"
fish on their swimming performance.
You can read about the competition here:
You can see photos taken-in-the Georgia Aquarium here (including Heather):
You can read the reports and abstracts of previous winners and finalists
A personal observation....I could not attend but the website and glowing
reports from Heather's teacher speak volumes. The students in this program
do an incredible job of research and communication. Their projects are
interesting, well-executed, and have global implications for water quality
and water resources. The reports are well-written scientific articles
(which, beginning this year, will be published in an on-line journal). The
national competition is impressive - each student is interviewed by three
teams of four water researchers that have already studied the students final
These young people can definitely hold their own with veteran researchers.
- Jan Hoover
Vicksburg, MS
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