"The First Year in the Life of Estuarine Fishes in the Middle Atlantic Bight"
by Kenneth W. Able and Michael P. Fahy was published-in-$70 and is now
available for $6.95 from Edward R. Hamilton. Here is the link:
Although it does not really address aquarium techniques, this book is great
for native fish hobbyists because it provides information on growth rates,
optimal water temperatures, characteristics of spawning sites, hatching
times, etc.. There are accounts for 72 species including numerous species
kept by aquarists - - sheepshead minnow, mummichog, spotfin killifish,
striped killifish, rainwater killifish, threespine stickleback, lined
seahorse, northern pipefish, and hogchoker.
Accounts are well-illustrated and have a set 4-part format: distribution,
reproduction, description, the first year (biology from embryo through Age
This book would be cheap-in-twice (or thrice) the price.
- Jan Hoover
Vicksburg, MS
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