--Bruce Stallsmith
along the severely altered Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Dean A. Markley" <damarkley-in-earthlink.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>Subject: NANFA-L-- How Does Everyone Feel About.....
>Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:39:32 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
>I hope this is "on topic" so here goes: I have lived in Pennsylvania all
>my life (47 years, uggh) and for all of that the PA Fish Commissions main
>focus has been trout fishing and the associated stocking programs. I am
>told that most of the Fish Commissions budget goes for trout programs. If
>this is true, it kind of upsets me for a few reasons:
>1. They stock Brooks, Rainbows, and Browns. Now only Brooks are native to
>PA so why stock with an invasive species? (yeah yeah, cause people like to
>catch them).
>2. With such great fish as smallmouth, largemouth and walleyes, why aren't
>they propagated and stocked more instead? And yes, I know some is done but
>I suspect it is insignificant compared to trout.
>3. I understand that Bowfin and Longnose Gar used to be common in the
>lower Susquehanna region but now they are rare if not extirpated. I do
>recall a Bowfin being caught in the Susquehanna a few years back. Why
>doesn't the Fish Commission raise and stock these interesting fish?
>Just rambling here so do I have any sort of case?
>Dean A. Markley
>3628 Peregrine Circle
>Mountville, PA 17554
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