Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
"Who hears the fishes when they cry?"
Henry Thoreau--1817-1862
><)> The North Carolina Zoological Society is looking
><)> for some good quality photographs of some North
><)> American fishes for a article that they will be
><)> publishing on the native fish fauna-in-the zoo.
><)> The photographs of the species we are looking for
><)> are as follows:
><)> Largemouth Bass
><)> Redbreast Sunfish
><)> Green Sunfish
><)> PumpinseedEastern Mosquitofish
><)> Pirate Perch
><)> Redlip Shiner
><)> Golden Shiner
><)> Creek Chub
><)> Margined Madtom
><)> All pictures need to be 300 dpi, and 2" x 3" in
><)> size. Any photographs submitted must include the
><)> photographers name written in the way the
><)> photographer should be credited. Credit will be
><)> given to any photographs used.
><)> We are looking for free use photographs, but small
><)> funds might be available.
><)> We prefer photographs with natural backgrounds.
><)> Any assistance that anyone can provide us will be
><)> greatly appreciated. Please send all photographs
><)> to me with any conditions.
><)> Thank You,
><)> John Groves
><)> Curator
><)> North Carolina Zoological Park
><)> john.groves-in-ncmail,net
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