On 3/9/06, Michael Lucas <psalm119.111-in-gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm considering a mad dash weekend trip to southern NC coast or northern
> SC
> coast for some Sailfin Mollies and brackish killies. Any suggestions on
> specific sites would be appreciated as I won't have a lot of time to
> spare.
> Need to be north of Myrtle Beach area due to time restraints. Got cabin
> fever but not much vacation time left.
> Also any one interested in joining in would be welcome, especially from up
> NY way to share driving and expenses. Would leave Schenectady Fri night,
> drive, nap, drive, fish, fish some more, Hotel sleep. Sun am, drive, fish,
> drive, drive drive. Would also eat occassionally.
> Mike Lucas
> Schenectady Ny
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