Yeah that was a good one... That was the first snake I've ever seen NOT back
away. My favorite "peak moment" was last year-in-Borden Creek where the dude
just kinda appeared out of the brush and wanted to tell us about some other
fishermen, and teach us to be fishers of men. I wanted to tell him we were
already-in-church, but he probably wouldn't have understood.
J.C., didn't know you were coming. We did Shelbyville on Friday-in-about 800
cfm and it yielded 24 species. Some guy thought he'd give us a lesson on
seining, and told us it only worked when you pulled it up stream. As if.
Yeah... I'll just keep using this "not doing it right" method of downstream
tosses, and save my back for other things.
I'll put that Shelbyville list together here in a second...
The preliminary eye candy:
Warning: Invite your spouse in to look with you so she doesn't think you're
looking-in-something else :)
Fisherman's Park, Shelbyville Dam, 3/10/06
8' seine, Riffles and Runs east of bridge
Matt Ashton, Erika Buri, Todd Crail, Tyler, and Jessie
Stoneroller (abund) super males!
Streamline chub (15) large specimens, one huge gravid female
Blotched chub (4)
Bigeye chub (5+)
Striped shiner (abund)
Silver shiner (1)
Rosyface shiner (1)
Stargazing minnow (5+)
Rainbow trout (2)
Northern hogsucker (3)
Mountain madtom (1)
White crappie (1)
Coppercheek darter (50+)
Rainbow darter (10+)
Fantail darter (5+)
Speckled darter (2)
Blenny darter (25+)
Greenside darter (abund)
Banded darter (10+)
Black darter (abund)
Redline darter (abund)
Logperch darter (1)
Dusky darter (1)
Banded sculpin (30+)
More tales, pictures and adventures with Farmertodd and his Ladyfriend, coming
soon to a listserve near you! And boy, do we have some doozies!
The Sweet Tea Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
From: on behalf of Bruce Stallsmith
Sent: Sun 3/12/2006 7:37 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Salt Treatment?
If you're using salt as a prophylactic dip, the Morton's will work. And it
would work reasonably well for other aquarium purposes, too.
The one thing you didn't get a picture of on the Spring Fling was the ol'
boy along the Little Buffalo in Wayne County, TN, trying to stomp a
copperhead while holding a can of Miller Lite (I'm here to testify as a
witness). Steven Ellis has rightly pointed out that NANFA trips in the
southeast always have one peak moment of weird, and that was it for us.
--Bruce Stallsmith
yes, we have copperheads along the Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Crail, Todd" <tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu>
>To: <>
>Subject: NANFA-L-- Salt Treatment?
>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:20:02 -0500
>Quick question... I'm out of the "aquarium store" salt. Will good ol'
>non-iodized Morton's salt do the same job?
>Just completed a 2000 mile circuit of North Carolina and Tennessee for
>Fling 2006. Lots of fish pictures to come :)
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