I will also join the choir in suggesting getting Fritz's book (mind you,
it's written by this Fred guy ;). I saw it-in-every nature center we
stopped at. Jonah's has it online, but I wouldn't pay for the shipping if
you're in NC. You should be able to readily find it.
Also found an AWESOME naturalist book store in Asheville, the name slips me
right now, and can't find it online. I will post their address this
evening. Anyway, they also have hard and soft backs in stock of Fritz's
book, if that's local to you.
This would also be a great place to stop while doing some fantastic seining
or snorkeling. They were low on other fish resources, but I had them pretty
excited by the time I walked out of there. I'm sure they'll take
suggestions on titles to carry. I mean c'mmon. They had the entire Britton
and Brown plant book, and mushrooms of the Eastern US on the shelf (well,
both were there until I walked in ;). Erika got the naturalists photocopy
books with all those great keys you get handed when you do a program with a
local naturalist. They had an entire children's section, and this wasn't
the saran-wrap Discovery Store crap you see-in-the mall. This is the
material that's written for children about nature by people who understand
both, and don't underestimate children's infinite ability to understand
nature if we keep them outside instead of in front of the idiot box! :)
And best of all... The store is owned by TWO PEOPLE who love nature. The
world would be a better place if there were a store like this in most every
town, in my humble, yet forward, opinion :)
Be the change you want to see.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerald Pottern" <gbpottern-in-yahoo.com>
To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 2:28 PM
Subject: NANFA-L-- Re: NC natives online
> Patrick: this link may be what you want:
> Gerald, hangin on the neuse
> >
> > nanfa-l-digest Monday, March 6 2006
> > Volume 01 : Number 467
> >
> > Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:22:20 -0500
> > From: "pncwd" <pncwd-in-picusnet.com>
> > Subject: NANFA-L-- online list of natives
> >
> > I am looking for a list of just North Carolina
> > natives. I know there are 6 native fish that only
> > occure in NC. But what others are naturally here and
> > what ones have been imported from other states and
> > or countries. Is there an online list or do I have
> > to go get the North Carolina's fish field guide to
> > native fish.
> > Thanks
> > Pat
> http://mail.yahoo.com
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