-derek parr
cape fear river basin
matt ashton wrote:
> I see where Bruce is coming from so here are two suggestions I have.
> Either mussels and nothing else, since they are related to native
> fish through host specificity, or include aquatic inverts such as
> snails, crayfish, and mussels etc. All of which are imperiled,
> understudied, and much of which we come acrossed when observing and
> collecting fish. In that case maybe aquatics-in-nanfa.org or
> aquaticinverts-in-nanfa.org ?
> With the possibility of multiple email lists coming out, has a
> message board ever been brought up? Don't know if I'm opening up a
> can of worms or not because I know it would be much more time
> consuming for someone and probably more costly.
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