From: "Irate Mormon" <>
> Why have separate lists? I haven't heard anybody crying about off-topic
> posts when someone talks about mussels or crayfish. Keeping it all
> under one list might help kindle interest in folks who never have
> thought about mussels and such. It certainly has kindled MY interest.
I can totally appreciate this. There is a certain benefit to talking about
these things on the list, nor would I refrain from making a post about an
invert issue even if there was a list specific for it. I'm really glad to
hear people are interested and that we're all gaining something from the
What I guess I'm getting at, and why Matt, Bruce and Jeff were quickly gung-ho
for a side forum, may help frame our perspective...
I always second guess wether I should post on an invert issue, because,
well... I'd like to post on them as much as I post on fish, sometimes more
frequently. There currently is NO such forum online that I'm aware of. In
fact, I actually consider longer wether I should post about mussels more so on
the UNIO list than I do on the NANFA list <evil_grin>
And I think that's where us UNIO weary folks see a huge potential for NANFA to
unlock with a list devoted to other North American aquatic organisms that
didn't start from an academic and agency stand point.
You should see the UNIO list... The last 20 posts 2 were .com (one was an
enviro agency), 2 were .net (1 looking for a room to share-in-the Columbus
gig, the other was Ethan Nedeau who just plain rules).
Every other post was .edu or .gov (myself included). That's freakin'
intimidating if you just have a remote interest in these mussel bones you
found! And I'm not trying to dis' the UNIO list either. It's a great
resource, and it is what it is.
I just think a separate list would be a great jumping point for a lot of
people into NANFA. They wouldn't come here looking for fish, because that
wasn't their interest-in-the moment... But think of the similar interests (but
from the other direction) they might gain, just as you have.
I'll rest my case-in-that :)
The List Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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