>From: Jerry Baker <nanfa-in-bakerweb.biz>
>Date: Mon May 01 13:09:29 CDT 2006
>To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Endangered natives: good news and bad news
>Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS wrote:
>> On a less optimistic note - the Devil's Hole Pupfish population is-in-an all
>> time low
>Sounds like they need some people to watch this area. Counting on a
>barbed-wire fence doesn't seem secure-in-this point. Not knowing the
>physical situation-in-the site, it's easy for me to armchair
>quarterback. Does anyone know if there is 24-hour monitoring of the site?
>On a related note, I just recently discovered an organization in the
>Angeles and San Bernardino National Forests (Southern California) called
>the "Fisheries Resource Volunteer Corps." (http://www.frvc.org). Anyone
>can become a member. You get a Forest Service uniform and patrol streams
>and lakes. It's a good deal.
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