-derek parr
matt ashton wrote:
> It falls under Cites Appendix II. All Acipenseridae species that are
> not listed under Appendix I are listed under Appendix II.
> The see know evil approach that Aquabid is said to be taking is kind
> of surprising to me. A tank raised captively bred Sturgeon that is
> rare just doesn't seem likely to fit into the reasons they gave for
> allowing it to remain unless contacted by authorities. The actual
> listing with its suspicious language (don't question how I got it I
> have my ways - to paraphrase) just makes it even more obvious they
> should suspend or take a second look-in-what they allow and how they
> allow things to be auctioned.
> Matt
> EELReprah-in-aol.com wrote: I am curious, what regulation governs this
> species? Not USFWS or CITES as far as I can determine.
> Lee
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