I've read that article. Also, I have a marine friend who has done a lot
research and such on thw subject. He uses an old air conditioner with the
coil hanging in a bucket and coils of tubing that contain water being
pumped to and from the tank. I've seen it, and it works very well. Almost
as efficient as a chiller.
-derek parr
chapel hill, nc
ive seen this setup in many bait stores. works well tho unsightly. could be
rigged in a garage or patio and then plumbed to the tank.
i dont think a mini fridge can do it. they are not designed for that much
heat transfer. period.
i do like the idea of circulating water to a coil buryed underground. a
bonus of extra water too.
titanium... yes the material. never copper or aluminum. plastic, tho cheap,
does not transfer heat well. perhaps tho if it was very long and had lots of
ground contact.
the best homemade cooler article was written by pat johnson and in an old
american currents. ive seen it. best looking darters ive ever seen... except in
the wild while snorkeling.
if a tank gets too cool compared to the room you will get condensation...
another problem.
ac for the fish room seems to be the best all around! by far.
casper... in a too warm studio w/ a broken ac wall unit.
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