Subject: Re: { SPAM 3 }::NANFA-L-- Flat Bullhead
From: John Knight (
Date: Mon Nov 08 2004 - 11:34:25 CST
I have collected A. platycephalus in the Oconee (Altamaha system) which
is close, but another drainage. Often which is the case the fish is
confused with A. brunneas. I think the two are most reliably
differentiated via gill rakers. Jenkins and Burkhead have an excellent
key in Fishes of VA. I believe the fish is distributed in all major
Atlantic drainages from GA to VA. So I imagine it is highly likely the
are there
>>> 11/08/04 11:15 AM >>>
Do any of you guys in SC ever see any of these fish Ameiurus
Planet catfish said they are seen around Anderson, SC?
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:47 CST