Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- coasta rica
From: Dustin Smith (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 10:52:16 CST
Thanks for the interest Casper.
I am fairly certain that parakeets are native to North and Central America.
They were actually native to the SE US until the late 1800's. The Carolina
parakeet was widespread throughout the area's swampland until land
development and the pet trade drove them to extinction.
I do have some photo' s but I don't have anywhere to upload them. I can
e-mail a couple to you directly though if you like. Fritz took lots of fish
photos so hopefully they will show up before long. No one got sick there,
but apparently Dan had some problems on the way home. Some of the things
you can catch don't show up for a while so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
The food was okay. It was rice and beans for every meal. We did that for
the first several days and then got to try some other things once we hit San
Isidro. Rice and beans is only palatable for so long, no matter how much
hot sauce you put on it. The locals were certainly interesting and
sometimes interested. The kids always wanted to help and to see what was
around, but the adults were just curious as tro why we would climp down into
the gnat and caiman infested water.
I had no idea that caiman were in TN. I'm not certain of what their max
size is or specifically what species we were with. These were 3-4 feet and
didin't-in-all look full grown.
We did snorkel in lots of freshwater streams. It rained a lot though so
most of the streams were not as clear as we would have liked. We stayed in
the southern half of the country the whole time so we didn't make it to any
of the volcanoes. There were several but most were north of San Jose. I
did do some reading on the country and it's environment before I left, but I
certainly wasn't prepared for what I saw. he landscape was gorgeous and
just so lush with vegetation. English was rare there. Most people spoke
Spanish only so we did a lot of gesturing and piecing together words into
makeshift sentences. We seemed to get our point across most of the time and
no one got exasperated with us.
----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- coasta rica
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:49:47 EST
i cant think of any better list clutter than a fun and interesting
chris s would have to say if coast rica is south of the nanfa border. he
me draw it on the last shirt represented w/ a dashed line... i think coasta
rica is a bit further south. but who cares. :) they are plenty close enough
to talk fish and i wish i had been there.
next time maybe i will get invited!
parakeets... hum i thought they were from austrailia. relics must be
established there.
did any of you take photos?
did anyone get sick? how was the food? were the locals interesting and
caimans? heck ranger bob picks them up with dipnets along the roads up near
kingsport tn. seems like just a couple weeks ago he found one. still tho i
would not wade w/ em. how big can a caiman get?
snorkel any fresh water? im sure the ocean was beautiful snorkeling.
any volcanos?
did you research about the geography, culture and critters before you went?
was english spoken?
if coasta rica in in the nanfa range a story would go great in an ac.
more details and pics please.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:49 CST