Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Cyprinella spawning experiences
Date: Fri Nov 26 2004 - 00:24:17 CST
I've had Spotfins spawn many times in community tanks as small as 30 gallons. The males get a bit aggressive with other fish but only momentarily as they are much more interested in the females and sparring other males.
I've also had the Fieryblacks from the conference spawn twice in a 55 gallon community since June. They behaved pretty much the same as the spotfins though the females seemed to get beat up a bit more. They are with mostly other shiners, a couple species of killies, a couple suckers, a blackside darter and a small brindled madtom. And yes I've been so busy I've not been able to attempt gathering eggs and raising them which I so want to do.
I also had a trio of Saffrons spawn but the male seems to be gradually wasting away as did a few others immediately after the conference. I suspect many were-in-the twilight of their life as they never exhibited any other signs of illness, one reason I generally like to bring some youngsters home as well. Didn't with the saffrons unfortunately. I'm hoping to make another try in the next month or so before the male loses interest or ability.
Mike Lucas
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:54 CST