Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Chlorine
From: Irate Mormon (
Date: Mon Nov 29 2004 - 12:33:14 CST
Quoting "Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS" <>:
> Are commercially-produced dechlorinators
Oops, I was answering a question you did not ask. You aroused my curiousity
about the chlorinating process. Anyway, commercial dechlorinators (i.e. Sodium
Thiosulfate) are "sensitive" only to concentration of chlorine, not water volume
(assuming uniform mixing).
"In our study of natural objects we are approaching the thoughts of the Creator,
reading his conceptions, interpreting a system that is His and not ours." -
Louis Agassiz
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:55 CST