Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- wetting substrates (was Creek Chubs?)
From: Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS (
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 16:43:13 CST
Quoting "Todd D. Crail" <tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu>:
> What might be really interesting for you to try is to get some of the
> substrates from Martin's creek when it's bone dry, hydrate it in a tank
> see what life blooms out of it... And how fast it blossoms :) Might even
> do different samples of surface, 6 inches down, 12 inches down and
Invertebratologists studying vernal pools do this, since they cannot always
time their sampling with the sometimes brief occurrence of their target
NANFA members Tyler Strange, Heather Smith, and I collected a series of
substrates last month for a crustacean taxonomist who is working with the
clam shrimp we found in some local floodplain pools. I saved one of those
sample for myself and placed a handful of dry substate in jar of water -
within a few hours it was alive with pond snails, adult water scavenger
beetles, and crawling water beetles. In a few days, I had water fleas and
seed shrimp.
I have never read about this being done with substrates from vernal
"streams" but it would be a very interesting thing to do. Data might
explain some of the apparent differences in canopy effects on fishes that
Todd and Irate were commenting on.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:56 CST