Subject: NANFA-L-- Ramshorn Snails pt. 2
From: James Smith (jbosmith at
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 20:07:08 CDT
I couldn't find my old message to reply to, but I went looking for
ramshorns again today. I couldn't find any of the neat silvery ones,
but I did find (in slightly shallower water) what I think are some of
those mesa ramshorns. I also caught some sort of shiner looking thing
and a baby bass, less than an inch long. I wanted to get a picture of
the baby bass, tripped on the way to shore, the lip of the net went
under water and I watched it dart away :(
I kept two shiny fish to add some variation to my banded killies tank,
and will try to get some pictures sometime to figure out what they
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:36 CST