Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- seen your picture
Prizma at
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 12:57:12 CDT
oops sorry... that was for mark only.
nonetheless, since ive said a bit... i did get to promote nanfa at a fish
club gathering above / near dayton tn. monkey trial land.
signed up a couple new members, sold some nanfa 03 and 04 shirts and had
them over the next day to my place for a cement pond tour, a south chickamauga
seine pull and a dinner of salsed black beans and grilled smoked sausage.
these guys are the first 2 members i think ive signed up to nanfa from
tropical fish ranks and im set to get a few more by spring. i probably will do a
native fish intro to interested members in the spring. i should be able to
boost tennessee's ranks and get some fellow snorkelers out of the deal. :)
underwater converts.
club members got wide eyed when i described horny headed tubercules, pulsing
orbs and spawning frenzies, mound builders, chameleon color shifts and egg
mimics. natives are so cool.
in the seine haul coby and i pulled up redline, snub and greenside darters.
river chubbs. sculpins. gambusia. spotfin and warpaint shiners. and a couple
unknown minners and small sunnies. all within 10 minutes of easy seines
wearing sandals and a little shuffle.
i also got a couple leads on some new sites to jump in and met a fella that
i had spoken to on the phone a few times in the past. a bad run of health
issues had kept him from activity so i hope to get him back under nanfas
membership and back into the water.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:53 CST