Well, if it's to be the Oscar of the north, it may as well be put to
good use like the Oscar was. These snakeheads are here because they're
supposed to be very tasty, so hey, let's eat! It might turn out that
they're as yummy as advertised, and since they're so new & fast-growing,
maybe they won't have the biomagnification of pollutants problem that we
see in so many other species. ( hey, I can dream, can't I? ) They are
also pretty good sportfish, I gather, putting up one heck of a fight? A
no-limit, no-production-cost sportfish might prove very attractive on
many fronts in the long run, unless anglers give up other fish to pursue
them exclusively.
If some method can be found to eradicate them quickly without wreaking
absolute havoc on the whole Potomac Drainage, then I'm all for it, of
course. My therapist just wants me to try to see the sunny side of
things, though. LOL! At any rate, just sitting around without some plan
of action being implemented for yet another season will only make the
problem that much more unmanageable.
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