Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- scratching
bkemker at
Date: Mon Sep 06 2004 - 16:55:10 CDT
I would raise the temperature of the tanks to 90 degrees fahrenheit and move the water through a UV filter.
> From: "Bob Bock" <bockhouse at>
> Date: 2004/09/06 Mon AM 11:26:21 CDT
> To: "NANFA list" <nanfa-l at>, "PVAS" <PVAS at>
> Subject: NANFA-L-- scratching
> Hi all. The baby bettas and fundulus chrysotus in my 65 gallon high have been scratching for months, and I'm not sure how to treat it. I'd hate to break the tank down and sterilize it, as some crypts are doing really well in the foreground. I've tried paragon, sodium chloride, and potassium permanganate, but these don't seem to help. I haven't seen any white spots on the fish, but the bluespotted sunfish and the small ancistrus don't seem to be affected.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Bob
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:13 CST