Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Collecting in the Florida keys
From: Bruce Stallsmith (fundulus at
Date: Mon Sep 13 2004 - 11:16:52 CDT
My experience collecting in FL salt waters is that as long as you have a
valid license, that's pretty much enough if you're not a commercial
collector. If you were going for an official Scientific Permit that's a
cumbersome process in FL. But for home collecting the license if fine, from
my conversation with one of their officers 2 years ago.
--Bruce Stallsmith
along the Tennessee in easy Alabama
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "DeMarle, Stephen" <Stephen_DeMarle at>
>Reply-To: nanfa-l at
>To: "'nanfa-l at'" <nanfa-l at>, nanfa-l-digest at
>Subject: NANFA-L-- Collecting in the Florida keys
>Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 10:21:33 -0400
>I've recently set up a reef tank. I'm also planning on going down to the
>Florida keys over Christmas for some fishing. While I'm down there I'd
>to collect some animals for my tank. Does anyone know what the laws are
>regarding this? Is it legal to collect from the non protected areas and is
>there a limit on how many animals you can collect. I'm not thinking of
>taking much but don't want to break any laws while I'm doing it. Only what
>I can put in a five gallon bucket with an aerator for the drive back. I'd
>be primarily interested in collect inverts, stuff that normally isn't
>offered for sale in Atlanta area pet shops. I do enough fishing in
>Jacksonville that I do have a Florida Saltwater fishing license. Thanks.
>Steve DeMarle
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:18 CST