Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Re: nanfa-l-digest V1 #42
From: R. W. Wolff (choupiqu at
Date: Mon Sep 13 2004 - 13:29:07 CDT
Why the cyprinidae? These fish are found world wide. Such a non descript
symbol would defeat the purpose of having a symbol.
Conversly, what is so bad about largemouth bass? It is the largest sunfish,
a strictly North American family. None of the states you all poo poo picked
"bass" and show an outline of a generic bass.
Why not pick a N.A. species? Atleast darters are N.A. Fish. I would prefer
something larger though that people know of ,or could get to know better.
Bowfin, gar, even shad. The first two in the previous sentence could sure
use an image boost.
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:18 CST