Subject: NANFA-L-- updated NA species checklist
From: Christopher Scharpf (ichthos at
Date: Thu Sep 16 2004 - 20:56:54 CDT
The provisional checklist I posted a month or so ago has undergone a major
revision, with new species added, some deleted, and numerous corrections and
modifications. If you saved the previous list, please throw it away.
Of course, the list will always be revised; just check the revision date. An
annotated version is being prepared for American Currents.
I also added anchors at the beginning for easier navigation.
Chris Scharpf
-- "Fun to catch, good to eat and the little ones are cute. A catfish is a gift from God in a slimy suit." -- Robert Wallus/----------------------------------------------------------------------- / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA, / visit . Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are / consistent with the guidelines as per / To subscribe, / unsubscribe, or get help, visit the NANFA email list home page and / archive at
: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 11:27:18 CST