And lots and lots of food.
Chris Scharpf
Bawlamer, Merlin
> From: Prizma at
> Reply-To: nanfa-l at
> Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 13:35:39 EDT
> To: nanfa-l at
> Subject: NANFA-L-- Florida Coastal Expedition
> Hey Nanfa Fishheads...
> In the last issue of American Currents there was a trip report and an
> invitation to the Floridian Coast this October 20 - 23rd, a Thursday through
> Sunday
> trip. That is less than 2 months away.
> We will be staying at Florida State University's Marine Lab right on the
> coast. It is near the town of Panacea just below Tallahassee.
> I know the area well and have a neat trip planned with lots of activities
> and options. Snorkeling, seining, swamping, low tide wades, great dinners,
> nature center visits.
> At this time i have 4 people committed and a few working out details who may
> be able to go.
> I have organized this trip for anyone interested in seeing the area so if
> you are considering going let me know!
> More information can be found at NANFA's website...
> _
> (
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