Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
"Who hears the fishes when they cry?"
Henry Thoreau--1817-1862
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From: owner-nanfa-l at
><)> [owner-nanfa-l at]On Behalf
><)> Of Bruce Stallsmith
><)> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:05 PM
><)> To: nanfa-l at
><)> Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- FW: Hurricane Impact On
><)> Fish Researchers
><)> OK Mike, below is a message from NANFA member
><)> Brian Jones, the chief
><)> aquarist at the Estuarium display operated by the
><)> Dauphin Island Sea Lab on
><)> the Alabama coast. It was originally addressed to
><)> Willy Bemis at UMass.
><)> --Bruce Stallsmith
><)> on the Tennessee
><)> Huntsville, AL, US of A
><)> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
><)> >Willy,
><)> >Thanks for the well-wishes. The lab did
><)> amazingly well through the
><)> >devastation that hit MS and LA. Here's an update
><)> that John sent out today.
><)> >Hope you and your family are doing well.
><)> >Brian
><)> >
><)> >My house luckily sustained no
><)> damage...unfortunately Steve had about 4ft of
><)> >water in his.
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >---------- Forwarded Message -----------
><)> >From: "John Dindo" <jdindo at>
><)> >To: labwide at
><)> >Sent: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 19:22:12 -0400
><)> >Subject: [Everyone] [Labwide] sea lab status
><)> >
><)> >I am sorry if you have tried to reach me, the
><)> cigular cell service on
><)> >Dauphin Island is worse than ever, the tower may
><)> have been turned. Like
><)> >most of you I have had no power in Mobile and no
><)> phone. The lab made it
><)> >through Katrina in great shape. There was no
><)> water in the building other
><)> >than what blew under doors. All roofs are intact
><)> with a few shingles
><)> >missing from DHP, Horizon and Galethea. The
><)> rotap room under Galethea
><)> >blew
><)> >out and debris is scattered along the edge of the
><)> road and up to Dr.
><)> >Croziers house. Generators are running on Wet
><)> Lab, MSH and Estuarium.
><)> >There are 3 power poles over the water that are
><)> snapped off and two poles
><)> >up
><)> >near heron bay bridge that are broken. WE have
><)> no word on power yet but
><)> >water should be at the east end by Friday or Sat.
><)> At this time Dr. Crozier
><)> >does not want anyone to come back to the lab.
><)> With no power there is
><)> >really
><)> >nothing that can be done. The Wilson, and small
><)> boats are back but the
><)> >status of the Verrill is unknown. I am flying
><)> tomorrow to see if I can
><)> >find
><)> >the vessel in the Pascagula River. I have asked
><)> maintenance to come in for
><)> >a half day tomorrow and maybe Friday to clean the
><)> debris from the parking
><)> >lot behind Dr. Crozier's office. As soon as I
><)> get a status report on power
><)> >to the island I will let everyone know. The west
><)> end of Dauphin Island is
><)> >unbelievable. There must be over 200 homes gone
><)> and many more that are
><)> >over
><)> >50% destroyed. The west end where the house are
><)> has multiple cuts where
><)> >the
><)> >what blasted through and a mile beyond the houses
><)> the island is cut and
><)> >it's
><)> >over a 1/2 mile across with the rest of the
><)> island flatened.
><)> >
><)> >one last item, the large sand dune that was south
><)> of the basketball course
><)> >is now on the basketball course, even Dr. Aronson
><)> could dunk the ball now
><)> >
><)> >thanks for your patience
><)> >
><)> >John Dindo
><)> >
><)> >Open WebMail Project (
><)> >------- End of Forwarded Message -------
><)> >
><)> >
><)> >__________________________________________
><)> >Brian Jones
><)> >Estuarium Senior Aquarist
><)> >Dauphin Island Sea Lab
><)> >Dauphin Island, Alabama
><)> >
><)> /--------------------------------------------------
><)> ---------------------
><)> / This is the discussion list of the North
><)> American Native Fishes
><)> / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list
><)> do not necessarily
><)> / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more
><)> information about NANFA,
><)> / visit Please make sure all
><)> posts to nanfa-l are
><)> / consistent with the guidelines as per
><)> / To
><)> subscribe, unsubscribe, or get
><)> / help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at
><)> /
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes
/ Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily
/ reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA,
/ visit Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are
/ consistent with the guidelines as per
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