NANFA-L-- Fwd: Kansas Fish Book Back in Print
Jeremy Tiemann (jtiemann at
Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:52:59 -0500
>Originally published in 1995, the second revised edition of "Fishes
>in Kansas" by
>Joseph T. Collins (Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas)
>and the late
>Frank B. Cross is back on the bookshelves and in classrooms across the state.
>Stunningly illustrated in color by noted wildlife artist, Joe
>Tomelleri, the book also
>features the professional color photography of Suzanne L. Collins and Garold
>Sneegas, both of the Lawrence area.
>Through the generosity of Westar Energy (Topeka) and the Kansas Department
>of Wildlife and Parks (Pratt), this unprecedented third printing of "Fishes in
>Kansas" has been made possible.
>Although the 1995 second edition of the book was dedicated by Cross
>and Collins
>to noted nineteenth century biologist and teacher, Francis
>Whittemore Cragin of
>Washburn University, co-author Joe Collins wants this printing to also be
>dedicated to the memory of his good friend, mentor, and co-author Frank Cross.
>"Frank was probably the greatest fish biologist to grace the
>landscape of Kansas
>during its history," said Collins at his home in Lawrence. "For so
>many reasons I
>miss him a lot and biologists across the state still recall his
>engaging manner and
>broad intellect," Collins said. Collins speculated that "we may
>never replace him --
>his knowledge of what fishes do and where they do it in Kansas streams and
>rivers was unmatched during his time with us. And his vision of water and its
>place in the Kansas environment was unparalleled."
>"Fishes in Kansas" is used is by virtually all Kansas colleges and
>universities as a
>teaching text.
>For more information or to order a copy of the book, contact the University
>Press of Kansas at (785) 864-4155.
>Fishes in Kansas Second Edition (1995)
>xvii + 315 pp.
>$19.95 (softcover)
Jeremy Tiemann
Biological Field Assistant
Illinois Natural History Survey
Center for Biodiversity
607 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820
Telephone: (217) 244-4594
Fax: (217) 333-4949
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